Wild Singing

Improvisational Singing

Priscilla has used the wonders of improvisation in her creativity and song composition, which she finds enhances her relationship to her understanding of the world and people. This is how the roots of her music are formed, and it is in cooperation with others, letting go together into trust and allowing the emergence of something unique that ignites her passion for collaborative play. 

Improvisation within Priscilla’s own life and methodology, on and off stage, has supported a leaning into fear of the unknown, unlocking creativity and a sensitivity to finding the vehicle that communicates and connects beyond words! Truly unique performances emerge from her live on stage and in workshop collaborations that brings to life a merging of the creative tools and experiences gathered by Priscilla through her life.

“Improvising is like creating a new prayer completely relevant for the moment. Relevant for that single moment within an ever expansive cutting edge hotbed of consciousness continuously expanding and expressing itself through each of our unique and wonderfuelled lives.

Improvisation is about trusting a process, gaining confidence and forging a greater relationship with your inner knowing/guidance. It gifts you with rewards of inspiration beyond your wildest imagination when you lean into the fear and discomfort of the unknown. There are many gifts right behind the fear! Fear is like an illusionary test in front of everything that really matters. It dissolves once you prove to it that it has no power over changing your mind about what means the most to you. It then bows gracefully and moves out of your way to reveal the treasures it was keeping for you until you were ready. Fear is like the keeper of the key to all the great things and flags up a doorway within you that has the potential to a wealth of great rewards. Fear has a bad wrap really and is never as scary as we think it was going to be once faced. Improvisation is present in my song and dance in life. If I forget to not take life too seriously, spontaneity, playfulness and creativity helps to loosen my grip and remember there is something incredible behind it all that is a constant whether I have managed to convince myself that I need to be holding the reigns all the time for the sun to stay hot and spinning.  I believe that in practicing the art of leaning into the unknown spaces of fear through sound, that I have helped the muscle to grow that helps to exercise a sense of letting go into the unknown in other areas of my life. Lessening fear of the unknown leaves more room for a deep intelligence to inform my daily choices and leaves more space for play and expression.”